Monday, August 15, 2016

Implementing Green Goals in SDGs in Sri Lanka
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) takes more of an integrated approach when compared to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). A number of environment goals have been included in the new set of development goals, which is a major transformation from the MDGs. Accordingly, environment related indicators and targets, takes prominence in the SDGs.

In the MDGs, there was only one goal dealt with environmental sustainability, which was measured by 10 indicators.  In contrast, SDGs address issues on biodiversity, climate change, ocean resources and sustainable consumption and production aspects in separate goals.  In addition, energy resources, sustainable cities, water usage are some of the aspects incorporated to some other goals.  Environmental aspects are also underpinned in most of other SDG goals, demonstrating inter-linkages with other goals and environment related goals.
Read more Implementing Green Goals in SDGs in Sri Lanka